#AWPOWERFIFTY: Ntando Zikalala

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur OR take your career in the direction you did? Is having your own business OR this role you are in something you always wanted? 

What started as a hobby has become my life’s purpose. My Entrepreneurship journey is definitely from my family, I was raised by headstrong hustlers from my great grandmother to my mother. I have always known that a girl must make a plan and make it happen. 

Before there was To The Max Brand Management I started doing brand management as an “escape” from my Corporate clients as I highly enjoy Pop culture and anything lifestyle.That’s where I shot my shot with Linda Mtoba and she believed in my vision and we embarked on an exciting journey, talent/management journey. 

I have never actually had a full time job let alone a CV, I am a risk taker but most importantly I believe in myself and the vision I have for my future 

Which woman has positively impacted you in your career/business? And what is the one lesson she taught you? 

My mother has definitely positively impacted my career/business growth. She is an incredible business woman and has reinvented herself so many times which has taught me resilience and that hard work is the main ingredient in being a successful entrepreneur/businesswoman.The most valuable lesson from working with my mother is Networking and understanding how important it is in the growth of your business. 

Network truly is your net worth.

How do you define success? 

For me success is nonlinear and understanding that everything is one day at a time. My key foundation is consistency and patience. I am comfortable in my journey and the fact that I have discovered and am living my purpose is the success I have always dreamt of. 

One insight for anyone interested in the industry you are working in? One insight for anyone interested in Brand Management is build & maintain trust. As a manager your talent/player has to trust you, trust your vision and that trust will be inherited to your clients & team. 

What is your one key guiding principle in your work life? 

My guiding principle is definitely EQ. Most of what I do is human interaction and engagement and I have had to invest in developing my soft skills and build my emotional intelligence. This helps navigate a lot of the challenges we encounter as a business as well as a great springboard when forging and maintaining relationships. 

What do you believe is the most impactful and immediate action your industry can take to Accelerate Gender Equality Through Economic Empowerment. (this is the theme for INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY in 2024) 

We as managers, especially female managers, embrace collaboration and partnerships. We are generally very competitive whereas if we can come together and exchange notes, connections, challenges & experiences we would formalize management as a reliable career of the future.

The three books that changed your life 

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad 

  • The Secret 

  • Becoming Michelle Obama 

Apps you cannot live without 

  • Instagram (for enjoyment & main platform for our business) TikTok 

  • Spotify 

  • Currency Exchange 

Self care rituals that keep you grounded 

  • Prayer 

  • Brunch with my family 

  • Video call catch up with my friends 

  • Terminal A with an out of office auto responder