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Navigating the Confidence Equation: Keys to Thriving at Work

In this blog, I want us to unpack a familiar, but intimidating topic: confidence at work. We've all been there, well I know I have, and unfortunately may continue to be (but I am working on it)—those moments when you question whether you're good enough, smart enough, or just plain "enough." I remember crying in a meeting where I was getting feedback on a task because I was so scared that I was failing and that I was a liability in the company, I felt like after that I would basically be dismissed and be told that I am terrible at my job, and am not enough. Anyway, I am super grateful for a work environment where in moments like that I am re-assured and supported.

But what is confidence, what does it look like, what does it feel like, especially at work? Let's break it down and figure out how to get more of it.

The Confidence Equation

Confidence isn't some magical trait you're born with (or without). Think of it as an equation (for those who are like me who don’t like maths, don’t get anxious, I’m not talking about that type of equation), a mix of factors that together make you feel like the queen of the office. Here’s how I’ve come to see it through my own Ls and Ws.

1. Skill Set + Knowledge

Remember the first time you were asked to do something outside your comfort zone at work? Maybe it was giving a presentation or leading a project. The thought alone made you break into a sweat, right? This is where the importance of your skill set and knowledge comes in.

Investing time in learning and developing your skills is like putting money in the confidence bank. Take those extra courses, attend the workshops, and don’t shy away from asking questions. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel.

2. Preparation

Preparation is the armor that protects you from the jitters. I recall a time when I had to present a quarterly report to the board. I spent nights rehearsing my slides, anticipating questions, and even practicing in front of my cat (who was a tough audience, by the way).

When the day came, I walked into that room with my head held high. I knew my material inside out, and that preparation was my shield against doubt. So, prepare, prepare, prepare. Your future confident self will thank you.

3. Positive Self-Talk

We’ve all got that little voice in our heads. Sometimes, it’s our best cheerleader; other times, it’s our worst critic. Learning to manage this inner dialogue is crucial.

After a particularly rough day, I started a habit of jotting down three things I did well each day, no matter how small. “Answered emails promptly,” “Contributed a good idea in the meeting,” “Resisted the urge to throw my computer out the window.” This simple practice shifted my focus from what I didn’t do to what I did do, boosting my confidence little by little.

4. Support System

Ladies, we need our tribe. Having a supportive network of colleagues, mentors, and friends can make a world of difference. I once struggled with a challenging project and felt completely out of my depth. A quick coffee chat with a trusted mentor reminded me of my strengths and provided the encouragement I desperately needed.

Surround yourself with people who lift you up, give constructive feedback, and remind you of your worth. Remember, it's not about the quantity of connections but the quality.

5. Body Language

This might sound trivial, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. Your body language can influence how you feel and how others perceive you. I once read about the power pose—standing like Wonder Woman for two minutes before a stressful situation. It sounded silly, but I gave it a shot before an important meeting.

Guess what? It worked. I felt more powerful and capable. So, next time you need a confidence boost, check your posture, make eye contact, and don’t be afraid to take up space.

6. Embracing Failure

Here’s the truth: everyone fails. The difference lies in how we respond to it. Instead of seeing failure as a dead-end, view it as a detour—a chance to learn and grow.

I bombed a presentation early in my career. I was devastated and ready to give up. But after a good cry and a pep talk from a colleague, I analyzed what went wrong and what I could do better next time. That failure became a stepping stone, not a stumbling block.

7. Authenticity

Finally, the most important factor—being true to yourself. Authenticity breeds confidence. When you embrace who you are, quirks and all, you bring your whole self to work.

I used to think I had to be a certain way to succeed—more assertive, more polished, more... something. But over time, I realized that my unique perspective and approach were my strengths. Authenticity isn’t just about honesty with others; it’s about being honest with yourself.

The confidence equation is personal and ever-evolving. Some days you'll feel like you’re on top of the world, and other days you’ll want to hide under your desk. That’s okay. Confidence at work is a journey, not a destination.

So, here’s to all of us—boldly navigating our careers, one confident step at a time. You’ve got this!