7 Empowering Thoughts to Keep in Mind When Life Feels Off Track
Life often feels like a maze of unexpected turns. Some days, it seems like everyone else has their life figured out while you’re still searching for your way. But one thing I’ve learned is that feeling lost isn’t a sign of failure, it's simply part of the process. Here are seven life lessons that are helping me find my way when things feel uncertain.
1. Understand That Growth Doesn’t Happen Overnight
We often view failure as something to avoid, but it’s actually an essential part of the journey. Every successful person has experienced setbacks, and it’s how we grow. Instead of fearing failure, I’m learning to see it as feedback. Each misstep brings me closer to clarity. So, when things don’t go as planned, I remind myself: this is just a part of the process. It's not a sign that I’ve failed, but a sign that I’m learning. And don’t get me wrong it’s hard, I cry my eyes out first before this finally settles in and I calm down, but every single day, it’s something I try to practice.
2. Let Your Curiosity Guide You, Not Your Fears
When I feel lost, I remind myself to return to my interests. What excites me? What topics make me feel energized and engaged? I’m actually still on the ‘quest’ to finding these answers, but one thing I am certain of is that our passions hold the answers to the questions we’ve been asking. Instead of forcing myself into a mold, I’ve learned to follow my curiosity and see where it leads. Whether it’s a hobby, a book, or a project, letting my interests guide me helps me feel more grounded in uncertainty.
3. Practice Self-Kindness—You Deserve It
During moments of uncertainty, it's easy to forget to care for myself. So, I've learned to take small moments of kindness and give them to myself. Whether it's taking a walk, enjoying a good meal, or simply relaxing with a favorite show, self-care is a powerful reminder that I deserve to be taken care of, especially when the road ahead feels unclear. A little self-compassion can go a long way in quieting the noise of self-doubt.
4. Helping Others Sometimes Helps You Heal
It might seem counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to lift myself out of uncertainty is by helping someone else. Offering support to a friend or colleague, or simply listening to someone else can provide a much-needed shift in perspective. By focusing on others, I realize that I’m not as lost as I thought, and the world around me becomes a little brighter.
5. Embrace Your Unique Journey Without Comparison
It’s hard not to compare ourselves to others, especially with the constant barrage of success stories on social media. But comparison is a natural, human impulse, but it doesn’t mean I should take it to heart. I’ve accepted that it’s okay to compare, but only to gain inspiration, not to measure my worth. Once I’ve learned from others, I let go and focus on what makes my journey unique.
6. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy
Who we surround ourselves with plays a huge role in shaping our mindset. I’ve realized that spending time with people who uplift and inspire me helps clear the fog. These people don’t have to be perfect or always “have it together,” but they should encourage me to grow, challenge me, and remind me of my potential. If you’re feeling lost, look around and ask yourself: Are the people in my life inspiring me to be my best self?
7. Trust That Where You Are Right Now Is Enough
This one was the hardest for me to accept, but I’ve come to realize that the feeling of being lost is often a sign that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. There is no “wrong” place to be in life. Everyone’s journey unfolds differently, and we’re all on our own timeline. The key is trusting the process. If you’re feeling lost right now, just remember: this season is a part of your story, not the end of it.
Feeling lost is not a reflection of failure or weakness, but a sign that you’re growing, evolving, and figuring things out, and it’s okay to not have everything mapped out. Embrace the uncertainty, lean into your passions, and trust that you’re exactly where you need to be.
So if you're feeling stuck, take a deep breath and give yourself some grace. You're not alone, and there’s so much beauty in the journey, even if you can’t see it all clearly right now. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.