What motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is usually 1 part good idea or something unique you find you can bring and a double dose of will-power and resilience! I became an entrepreneur by a combination of personal experiences, a desire for independence, and a passion for creating change. I saw the struggles of my peers in traditional corporate jobs and it ignited a desire for a different kind of career where I could establish my own course and have a direct impact. Entrepreneurship offered the promise of independence, autonomy, and the flexibility to pursue my passions. I was also drawn to the idea of solving problems, turning ideas into reality, and contributing to the greater good through innovation.


Which woman has positively impacted you in your career?

I have learned so much from role models in global business, many of whom I have only read about not met! My closest role-model is my mom, who’s lists of achievements in the most challenging circumstances inspire.. In my industry I am inspired daily by friends who work to be at the top of there game, others who are leading organisations and collectives who stand for what I believe in, like Women in Music. 


How do you define success?

I define success as being able to create something meaningful and impactful that brings value to individuals and communities. It's about translating ideas into real value, that solves a real need. Success is also about having a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment from building something from the ground up, such as Vth Season and more recently Music Business Lab. Achieving milestones, solving challenges, and reaching goals reinforces my motivation and drives me forward. Ultimately, success is not just about financial rewards, but about the positive difference I can make through my work.


One insight for anyone interested in entrepreneurship

One key insight for anyone interested in entrepreneurship is that it requires adaptability, and a willingness to learn. The road to success is rarely linear, and setbacks are inevitable. You will discover that these challenges are the valuable growth opportunities. Successful entrepreneurs are often consummate learners, staying curious and on top of the latest innovations in their field.

Key guiding principle in your work life

My key guiding principle in my work life is to always strive to deliver the most value to the consumer. Consumers have more power and choice than ever before, and they will choose and stick with the companies who are clearly on their side. I aim to go out of my way for my clients at every turn, making their lives  more meaningful. By focusing on the needs of the people I serve, I can maintain a genuine connection to my ideas and ensure that I'm solving real problems in a way that adds value.


Most impactful action to accelerate gender equality

One of the most impactful actions my industry can take to accelerate gender equality is to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for women entrepreneurs. This includes providing access to mentorship, networking opportunities, and resources tailored to the unique challenges women face within the music and business industry. By creating a strong support system and showcasing successful women in entrepreneurship, we can inspire and empower more women to pursue their business dreams. Additionally, advocating for policies and initiatives that promote equal access to funding, education, and opportunities for women is crucial. When women entrepreneurs are given the tools and support they need to thrive, they can make significant contributions to economic empowerment and gender equality.


The three books that changed your life:

  • Atomic Habits

  • The Alchemist

  • Art of the Impossible (These are just the A’s..) 

Apps you cannot live without

  • Spotify

  • Uber

  • To do (productivity app)

  • Instagram

Self care rituals that keep you grounded

  • Putting on face masks

  • Bubble baths

  • Having the best sparkling water money can buy or homemade Kombucha

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