#AWPOWERFIFTY: Nkgabiseng Motau

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur or take your career in the direction you did? Is having your own business or this role you are in something you always wanted?

My motivation to become an entrepreneur stems from a desire to bring a different voice to the South African creative industry. We wanted to blend authentic African creativity with data-driven insights to solve business challenges and impact society. Having my own business, Think Creative Africa, allows me to pursue this vision with full autonomy and creativity. This role is something I always aspired to as it gives me the opportunity to create meaningful work that resonates on a local and global scale.


Which woman has positively impacted you in your career/business? And what is the one lesson she taught you?

 A woman who has positively impacted my career is my co-founder at Think Creative Africa, Mukondi Ralushayi. She taught me the importance of resilience and the power of collaborative creativity. One key lesson I learned from her is that true innovation comes from embracing diverse perspectives and fostering a culture of mutual respect and support. She also brings a calm style of leadership and conflicts resolution to the business which I appreciate.


How do you define success?

 Success, for me, is defined by the ability to create work that not only achieves business goals but also makes a positive impact on society. It’s about building something for the next generation while being true to myself.


One insight for anyone interested in the industry you are working in?

 One insight for those interested in the communications industry is the importance of having a strong point of view on the world. Often we are asked to reframe offerings or find a place for products in the minds of customers. For me, being a person with perspective helps a lot.


What is your one key guiding principle in your work life?

 My key guiding principle is authenticity. Whether it's in the creative process or in client relationships, staying true to our values and maintaining the authenticity of our work is crucial.

What do you believe is the most impactful and immediate action your industry can take to accelerate gender equality through economic empowerment?

 The most impactful action our industry can take is to ensure equal representation and opportunities for women at all levels. This includes mentorship programs, fair pay, and creating an inclusive environment that supports women in leadership roles. There are organisations working on creating change like the creative circle and open chair but the intention has to come from the various company leaders for meaningful change to happen.


The three books that changed your life

  •    "Outliers" by Malcom Gladwell

  •    "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

  •    "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown


Apps you cannot live without

  •    Trello for project management

  •    Pinterest for organizing ideas

  •    WhatsApp for general communication


Self-care rituals that keep you grounded

  •    Daily walks

  •    Spending quality time with family and friends

  •    Beaty treatments like hair styling or nail treatments