The Late 20s Struggle: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Owning Your Success

Late 20s are such a whirlwind of change, growth, and self-discovery, and can I just say, it’s necessary, but nothing is cute. As I navigate this exciting decade, I continue to find myself battling with imposter syndrome—a sneaky feeling that I am not as capable or deserving of all the blessings, the opportunities and good things that are happening in my life.  As a result I tend to self sabotage, put off things because I don’t think I can get it done, overthink every single thing so much that I end up messing it up. So, if you’re feeling like a fraud and undeserving, despite your accomplishments and hard work, you’re not alone. But, it’s time to break that cycle, it’s time to recognise your magic, and unleash your power. You are not where you are by chance, or mistake, you know exactly what it took, so best believe that you deserve it, and that’s yours, it’s your time to be there!

I don’t know who this is for, but I know that I wish someone had shared their experience around such challenges with me a bit earlier in my life so I could understand them a bit better, and be aware. But I am here now, so here goes…

So I asked Chat GPT the question: What is Imposter Syndrome? And this is what it gave me - 

Imposter syndrome is the internal struggle of feeling like you’re not as competent or deserving as others perceive you to be. You might think you’ve just been lucky, or that your successes are due to external factors rather than your own skills and effort. This self-doubt can be particularly intense in your late 20s, a time when many of us are establishing our careers and trying to figure out our paths. Sounds about right, right?

I like having conversations with people that are older than me because there is nothing like insights from someone who has lived through what you are going through. In all my conversations with various people, I’ve picked up that this is something that happens at different stages of life, and happens to people even in their adult lives. But I discovered that it hits a bit harder in your late 20s, and this is why:

1. We are going through career Transitions: Your late 20s are often a period of significant career changes. You might be moving from entry-level roles to more senior positions, or switching industries entirely. This transition can amplify feelings of inadequacy as you navigate new responsibilities.

2. There’s a lot of comparison culture: Social media and professional networks make it easy to compare yourself to others who seem to have it all figured out. Seeing peers achieve milestones can heighten feelings of self-doubt, making you question whether you’re measuring up.

3. We have this immense pressure to Succeed: Many of us feel a strong urge to have our lives “together” by our late 20s. This pressure can create unrealistic expectations and make you feel like you’re falling short, even when you’re making significant strides.

4. The killer of all progress - Perfectionism: Your late 20s can be a time of striving for perfection in both your personal and professional life. This drive can lead to an overemphasis on any perceived shortcomings, reinforcing feelings of being an imposter.

Then I asked myself, how can I overcome this thing because I can not continue to function like this. So I started trying a few things:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step in overcoming imposter syndrome is recognizing and acknowledging your feelings. It’s okay to have doubts, but it’s important to understand that these feelings don’t define your worth or capabilities.

Quick hack: Keep a journal where you can write about your achievements, strengths, and positive feedback from others. Review this regularly to remind yourself of your accomplishments.

2. Reframe Your Thoughts

Challenge negative self-talk by reframing your thoughts. Instead of thinking, “I’m not qualified for this role,” try, “I’ve worked hard to get here, and I’m continuously learning and growing.”

Quick hack: Practice affirmations that reinforce your value and competence. Phrases like “I am capable,” and “I deserve my success,” can help shift your mindset.

3. Seek Mentorship and Support

Connecting with a mentor or joining a supportive community can provide valuable perspective and reassurance. Mentors can share their own experiences with imposter syndrome and offer guidance to help you navigate your career.

Quick hack: Look for mentors within your industry or professional networks who can offer advice and encouragement. Engaging with peers who have faced similar challenges can also be comforting and motivating.

4. Celebrate Your Wins

Take time to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Recognize and appreciate your successes to build confidence and counteract feelings of self-doubt.

Quick hack: Set up a “win wall” where you display notes about your accomplishments and positive feedback. It’s a visual reminder of your progress and successes.

5. Embrace Lifelong Learning

Understand that feeling like an imposter often stems from the belief that you need to know everything already. Embrace the idea that growth is a continuous journey and that learning is a natural part of your career and personal development.

Quick hack: Pursue new skills and knowledge that interest you, whether through formal education, online courses, or personal projects. Celebrate the process of learning and growth.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Setting and achieving realistic goals can help build confidence and counteract feelings of inadequacy. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps to make progress feel more attainable.

Quick hack: Create a goal tracker to monitor your progress. Celebrating each milestone can boost your confidence and help you see your achievements more clearly.

Imposter syndrome can be a challenging hurdle in your late 20s, but it doesn’t define your worth or capabilities. Just in case you forgot, I am here to remind you that you are more than capable, and your accomplishments are a testament to your hard work and talent. As you continue to grow and evolve, trust in your abilities and celebrate the incredible woman you are becoming.

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